Sunday, 15 April, 2018
Creating pieces is like a choreography, assembling a string of skills into one expression. i might work on sorting through testing the details of one step for weeks. Testing is important because it gives us permission to fail. “You’re only as good as your last piece” is some of the worst advice anyone ever gave or took. The ego cant be wrapped up in some subjective evaluation of what we are or are not producing.
Below are four 8 footers getting ready for shipping. Once assembled this will be a 24-foot piece, called Spunburst and a separate piece called Fertile. They were created using a series of metallurgical and non-metallurgical processes on common mild Steel that involve heat, pressure, wax, rubber, a number of intricate steps and patience. The images of steel are ultimately transferred to these sheets of glass. Its headed to the lobby of a corporate collector’s headquarters In The Domain in Austin Texas.
The client has required anonymity. These are fortune 50 global behemoths, who have realized that supporting local artist like myself who trade on innovation and spend all of our money locally gives them an anchor into the local community. I still don’t understand exactly how or when they leverage it though. I can be reached directly at: and @chris.crane.fine.artist on instagram.